Some portion of what's described here is not yet implemented, however the goal here is to represent what is or will be implemented. If, once implemented, the design is somewhat different, this documentation should be updated to reflect it.

  1. Overview
    1. Use cases
      1. ROM hacking
      2. Homebrew development
      3. Binary formats
    2. Where data is
    3. Data flow charts
      1. Fetching from a key
      2. Extracting data
      3. Committing data
      4. Changing data in memory
  2. MPRL
    1. Terminology
    3. Structs
      1. Structs as values
      2. Hierarchical relationships
    4. Keys
    5. Strings
      1. Single-line strings
      2. Multiline strings
      3. Escape sequences
      4. Literals
    6. Numbers
    7. Lists
      1. Ranges
      2. Concatenation
    8. References
    9. Syntax
      1. Grammar summary key
      2. Grammar summary
  3. Contexts
    1. Binary
    2. Textual
      1. Structured text
      2. Semi-structured text
      3. Unstructured text
    3. Filing
  4. Link Map
    1. Things that are linked
    2. Ways things are linked
    3. Common links
    4. Reference groups
    5. Traversing the link map
  5. Conversion
    1. Conversion examples
    2. Value proxying